최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

청소년기의 정상교합자에 대한 두부방사선 계측학적 연구

Roentgenocephalometric study of craniofacial skeleton on the age of puberty with normal occulsion

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The study was performed to estabish the cephalometric standards of Hellman dental age III B, IV A, IV C groups of the age of puberty and to aid for the case analysisi and diagnosis of malocclusion. A roentgenocephalometric study was made from 365 subjects, that consist of 162 males, 203 females with normal occlusion, acceptable profile and no history of orthodontic and prosthodontic treatment. The results of this study were obtained as follows: 1. The tables of standards from the measurements by age, sex group were made. 2. All lineat measurements of skeletal pattern in male were greater than in females. 3. The Björk´s sum was reduced gradually by aging in group I 396°, group II 395°, and group III 393°. 4. Posterior facial height to anterior facial height was 63% in group I, 64% group II, and 67% in group III. 5. The angulation of SNA and SNB were 81° & 78° in group I, 81° & 78° in group II, and 82° & 79° in group III.
