It is well known fact that physical growth and development of children are influenced by many factors. The importance of socio-economic, geographic and cultural background cannot be over-emphasized in the evaluation of general pattern of physical growth and development of children. In this study the author measured and studied the body height and body weight of children living in the region of mine and industry located in Young-Wol Kun, Kang-Won Do, for the purpose of exploring out the influence of socio-geographic factors to act on physical growth and development of children. Total number of samples were 4,147 comprising 2,170 in male and 1,977 in female with ages ranging from 7 to 15. 1) The growth curves showed that young males grow slowly by 14 years of age, here-after rapidly and the young females grow slowly by 12 years of age, rapidly by 13 years of age and slowly thereafter. 2) The annual increment curves of body height and body weight showed that the most increment of female occurs by 13 years of age and that of mate, by 15 years of age. 3) The growth curves of the male and female crossed twice. It shows the difference of the pattern of growth between the both sexes. 4) The standards for the children in this region were presented. 5) The time of changes of stndard deviation curves of body height and body wegiht coincided nearly with that of annual increment. 6) Body weight and body height .of the children is larger than that of Korean children before World War II, but smaller than that of standards of recent Korean.