Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Conceptual Changes in Teaching Elementary Physical Education
Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Conceptual Changes in Teaching Elementary Physical Education
- 경인교육대학교 교육연구원
- The Journal of Education
- 제1권 제1호
- 2018.06
- 61 - 82 (22 pages)
The purpose of this study was to explore preservice teachers’ conceptual changes in teaching children physical education. The participants whose minor was elementary physical education were nine undergraduate teacher candidates of Global National University of Education. The principles of the “constant comparative” method of analysis (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Corbin &, Strauss 2015) were used to analyze the data obtained from observation, interview, and document analysis. As expected, the preservice teachers experienced some conceptual changes in five categories. Categories such as “Selecting Appropriate Lesson Objectives”, “Demonstrating Fluent Task Progression,” “Motivating Students to Practice”, “Recognizing the Necessity of MVPA”, and “Providing Feedback” were used to describe “Conceptual Changes” that happened during the Fall Semester of 2017. Discussions related to the preservice teachers’ conceptual changes about teaching children physical education were made
I. Introduction
II. Methodology
III. Conceptual Changes
IV. Discussion