A Numerical Modeling of Thawing Rate for Frozen Pork using High Pressure Assisted Thawing Technique
A Numerical Modeling of Thawing Rate for Frozen Pork using High Pressure Assisted Thawing Technique
- 한국축산식품학회
- 학술대회논문집
- 2004년도 제34차 추계 국제 학술대회
- 2004.10
- 310 - 315 (6 pages)
The objective of this study was to provide the optimum thawing condition under different level of high pressure(50, 100, 150 and 200 MPa) using high pressure assisted technique which can improve the quality of frozen and thawed pork. The calculated thawing rate from the results depending on the high pressure showed the strong trend of increased thawing rate under pressurized condition(P<0.05). And then, the numerical modeling was executed to predict the thawing rate influenced by the pressure level using exponential regression, LnY=0.70623 + 0.00433 ·P (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9985 ), and it was fairly fit for the functional relation between the thawing rate(Y) and pressure(P) with comparatively high coefficient, R<sup>2</sup> of determination.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion