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KCI등재 학술저널

新羅 景文王代 桐華寺 毘盧庵 佛敎美術品의 특징과 의의

The Characteristics and Significance of Buddhist Artwork in the Donghwasa -Temple Biroam of the Age of King Gyeongmun of Silla dynasty

  • 681

동화사 비로암에 전하는 삼층석탑과 그 속에서 출토된 납석제사리호, 금동사리함, 그리고 대적광전에 주존으로 봉안되어 있는 석조비로자나불상은 신라 경문왕대에 민애왕의 원당을 조영할 때 한꺼번에 제작된 일괄품으로 추정되고 있다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 왕실발원품으로서 신라하대를 대표할 수 있는 동화사 비로암 불교미술품들의 특징과 의의를 밝혀보면서 신라하대 원당의 조영체계에 대해서도 불교미술사적으로 고찰하고자 하였다. 동화사 비로암 삼층석탑은 『무구정광대다라니경』에 의거하며 조성된 무구정탑으로서, 민애왕의 정토왕생과 국가의 안녕을 기원하고자 조성된 것으로 추정된다. 납석제사리호는 귀금속에 버금가는 재료로 인식되던 옥으로 제작되었으며, 특별히 흑칠을 하고 발원문을 새겼다. 금동사리함은 제작방식 면에서 기술적인 진보를 보이며, 외면의 삼존불상은 최신의 불상양식을 보이며, 타출기법과 선조기법으로 표현하였다. 석조비로자나불상도 전통적인 통일신라시대 불상양식보다는 중국에서 새롭게 전래된 불상양식을 적극적으로 수용하여 신라적으로 변용하고 있다. 이와 같이 동화사 비로암 불교미술품들이 신라하대를 대표하는 양식특징을 갖고 있는 이유는 납석제사리호에 기록된 바와 같이 민애왕 원당을 조영할 때 국가에서 파견된 속관들이 불사를 주관하면서 官匠들도 동원되었기 때문일 것으로 판단된다.

The Three-story Stone Pagoda at the Donghwasa-Temple Biroam, the Sarira Jar made of Pagodite, Gilt-bronze Sarira Reliquary, and the stone-built statue of Vairocana which is enshrined as a jujon in Daejeokgwangjeon Hall, which were excavated from within the temple, were art pieces created at the same time the temple of King Minae of Silla dynasty was constructed during the Age of King Gyeongmun of Silla. Therefore, this thesis attempted to shed light on the characteristics and significance of these Buddhist artworks, which can represent the later age of Silla dynasty as original royal pieces, and to simultaneously study the construction system of temples in late Silla from a Buddhist artistic standpoint. The Sarira Jar made of Pagodite, excavated from the Donghwasa Temple Biroam Three-story Stone Pagoda, is notable in that it has the same form as Sarira Reliquary used in neighboring nations during the same time period. Pagodite was considered jade that was tantamount to jewelry at the time. Moreover, the front of the Sarira Jar made of Pagodite was covered in black lacquer and a prayer was elaborately carved as an epitaph would be. These characteristics show that the Sarira Jar made of Pagodite was an original royal piece of the highest class. The Gilt-bronze Sarira Reliquary was made using methods different from those used to make metal reliquaries in prior times, showing technological development. Also, the pedestal and halo of the Buddha Triad Images carved on each side of the Gilt-bronze Sarira Reliquary were expressed as grandeur elements of a new form that could not be found in Silla dynasty at that time. Also, to express the Buddha Triad Images, the back of the metal plate was tapped outward, making it protrude using the repousse technique, and then a line engraving technique, expressing lines using various chisels on the front side, was adequately combined to enhance realism and depth. Such characteristics can only be found in metalwork produced for the Royal Palace. The stone-built statue of Vairocana also embraced a Buddhist statue style that had newly been passed down from China and transformed into Silla dynasty style instead of applying the traditional Unified Silla Period Buddhist statue style. Also, these style characteristics appear in the stone seat of a Buddhist idol in Borisa-temple in Gyeongju and in the jujon at the stone-built statue of Vairocana at the Bulguksa-Temple so while the stone-built statue of Vairocana at the Donghwasa Temple Biroam is not in Gyeongju-city, as it is a Buddhist statue constructed on a national level, it can be considered to be representative of the newest Buddhist statue style. Donghwasa Temple Biroam Buddhist artworks have style characteristics that represent late Silla dynasty because, as recorded on the Sarira Jar made of Pagodite, when the Royal Tomb Buddhist Temple of King Minae of Silla dynasty was constructed, directors were mobilized along with minister s aides dispatched from the nation to supervise Buddhist services. In other words, it is assumed that master craftsmen from the nation were mobilized and they created the Donghwasa Temple Biroam Three-story Stone Pagoda, Sarira Jar made of Pagodite, Gilt-bronze Sarira Reliquary, and stone-built statue of Vairocana.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 신라 경문왕대 동화사 비로암의 조영과 정치적 함의

1. 동화사의 창건과 역사

2. 경문왕의 왕실 원당 조영과 정치적 함의

Ⅲ. 동화사 비로암 불교미술품의 특징

1. 삼층석탑

2. 납석제사리호

3. 금동사리함

4. 석조비로자나불상

Ⅳ. 동화사 비로암 불교미술품의 성격과 의의

Ⅴ. 맺음말
