최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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Australian Lamb Meat – The Response to Societal and Ethnic Influences

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Lamb has long been considered a traditional meal within Australia; however as consumer preferences have changed since the 1950’s, consumption of lamb has decreased from the 1980’s. This is the result of changing societal roles, particularly for females, decreasing household sizes and increasing awareness of the impact of food choices on human health. Since the 1980’s improvement of farm practices and increases in genetic gains has addressed part of this decline by increasing the amount of lean meat and decreasing fat in lamb retail cuts. Yet, this has created a challenge for the industry to utilise the larger carcases now being produced. Thus, a whole value chain approach to increasing consumption has been undertaken through several research programs to create cuts which suit the modern consumer, examine nutritional and eating quality and increase adoption of value added cuts. Therefore, this paper outlines this history of changing consumer patterns and the consequent research to address these changes.


Increasing carcase weight and reducing fatness

Development of new cuts

Focus on eating quality

Developments in packaging

Latest consumer changes

