최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

The Effect of Music Education Based on Brain Research and the Utilization of Music as Brain-Based Educational Methods

  • 42

Research on brain science emphasize balanced development of both right and left hemispheres in terms of education. After Roger Sperry announced his spilt-brain theory, it was generally thought that processing music information was the role of the right hemisphere. However, in reality, both hemispheres intervene in the process of music information and recent brain research proved that music education is activities that effectively develop the whole brain. Thus, the purpose of this study is to present the positive effects of music education based on research results of the brain science field related to music, and the fact that utilizing music in other subjects is a useful brain-based teaching method of 21st century education. For this, this study first reviewed the main brain theories and then described the concept of learning science, a concept combining brain science research findings to education. Afterwards, this study focused on literature contents suggesting the active usage of music and movement in learning. Such literature contents are about brain-based learning strategies, principles or ideas. Music education itself is a meaningful arts education and utilizing music in other subjects is a brain-based educational method where learning-enhancement and whole brain development can be expected. Therefore, the need for further research on other subjects utilizing music has been presented.


Materials and Methods

Results and Discussions

Conclusion and Implications
