/ㅅ, ㅆ/ 음소의 치간음화에 따른 말 명료도 및 말 용인도 특성
Characteristics of Speech Intelligibility and Speech Acceptability Connected with Interdentalized /s, s*/
- 한국청각언어재활학회
- Audiology and Speech Research
- Audiology and Speech Research 제14권 제4호
- 2018.10
- 282 - 291 (10 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the scores of speech intelligibility and speech acceptability in normal and interdentalized Korean fricative /s, s*/ in word and sentence level. Methods: 36 words with /s, s*/ sounds and 10 sentences with /s, s*/ sounds words were recorded by two women with R-05 Wave/MP3 Recorder (Roland). After listening the normal and interdentalized /s, s*/ words and sentences, 54 female undergraduate students scored the speech intelligibility and speech acceptability. Results: The scores of speech intelligibility and speech acceptability in interdentalized /s, s*/ words and sentences were significantly lower than the scores of those in normal Korean /s, s*/ words and sentences. And the scores of speech acceptability were significantly lower than those of speech intelligibility in interdentalized /s, s*/ words and sentences. Conclusion: These results showed that the general female undergraduate students were impressed the words and sentences with interdentalized /s, s*/ were less intelligible and less acceptable rather than normal /s, s*/ words and sentences. These results can be applied to diagnosis and treatment of subjects with interdentalized fricative /s, s*/ in Korean.