지금까지의 논의를 중심으로 중등 사학 분규의 해결 방안을 제시하면 두 가지로 나누어진다. 첫 번째는 불합리한 지배구조의 개선과 둘째는 외적 환경의 변화와 관련지어 생각해 볼 수 있다. 먼저 불합리한 지배구조의 개선과 관련하여 중등사학 분규의 해결방안으로는 이사장 1인 중심의 운영구조를 개편, 분규사학에 대한 교육청의 관리감독권 강화, 농․어촌 영세 중등 사학에 대한 공립화, 학교운영위원회의 기능 강화, 합리적인 교직원 인사제도의 확립, 사립학교 경영자의 의식 전환 등이다. 다음으로 외적 환경의 변화와 관련하여 분규 해결방안으로는 교원단체는 교원단체의 가입여부와 관계없이 모든 교사를 인정하는 관용의 자세를 가져야 한다. 그리고 교사들은 이기심을 버리고 교사 본연의 자세로 문제를 해결하기 위하여 노력해야 하며, 학생들이 피해를 입지 않고 민주적으로 분규를 해결할 수 있도록 해야 한다.
The primary purposes of this study were to understand realities of private schools conflict and to work out devises for preventing private school conflict in advance. Specifically, the purpose of this study was further defined by the following research questions: First, what was characteristics of secondary private schools conflict in the second half of the 1980? Second, how was background situation of Heoukryong junior and senior high school leading to conflict? Third, how the conflict was going on and what factors were worked as important in this school? Finally, what was possible solutions for preventing conflict of secondary private schools? An Ethnographic Study was used in this study. Interviews and participative observations were major sources of data analyzed in this study. The data were written up in detail and were then coded for this study. 19 teachers involved in conflict process starting February, 2001, 85 students and 15 parents were selected as subjects of in depth interview. The major conclusions of this study were as follows: First, the major factors leading to private school conflict were depicted in <figure1> As seen in figure, they are irrational governance structure of school, changes in external environment, and human relation conflict. The problems derived from irrational governance structure involved school management(ex, communication blocking, unfair intervention on school management, and pressure on school members), financing operation(ex, misuse of school budget), and personnel administration(recruitment of unqualified teachers and staffs). Changes in external environment were related to teachers interest group(teacher union) and school site committee. Conflicts in human relationship were related to conflicts between teachers, chief directors of foundation board, parents, administrative staff, office of education, and school managers. Second, the direct causes leading to HR school conflict were identified as chief director s autocracy and school managers lack of ability. This implys that roles of principal and vice principal be very important in school management. Third, devices to solve the problems of private schools conflicts were suggested. They included adoption of public trustee, education office s strong supervision, change of rural private school into public school, strengthened function of school site committee. Rational personnel administration system also was to be established. More importantly, mind of school managers should be changed. The partisanism among teachers should be also rooted out for teachers to work as professionals. Finally, conflicts should be resolved democratically to minimize students academic loss.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 흑룡중고등학교의 현황
Ⅲ. 분규의 전개과정과 요인 분석
Ⅳ. 중등사학 분규 해결 방안