본 연구는 한국 중앙교육행정조직이 역사적으로 어떻게 변천되었는지를 미군정기와 제1공화국기를 중심으로 고찰하였다. 미군정기 중앙 교육행정조직은 한국교육위원회와 조선교육심의회라는 자문기관의 역할이 두드러지게 나타났었고, 일본의 군국주의적․식민주의적 교육행정조직에서 민주적인 교육행정조직으로 변화되려는 시도가 이루어진 시기이다. 한편 제1공화국기 중앙 교육행정조직은 그 구조와 체계는 대륙법 체계를 따르면서도 그 운영방식은 영미식 관리방법에 따르고 있어 제도와 운영간의 모순 때문에 형식주의와 교육행정의 비능률을 가져왔었다. 또한 미군정기와 제1공화국 중앙 교육행정조직은 기능별이라기 보다는 대상별 조직이었기에 기능별 조직에 의한 교육행정의 전문성이 무시되었고, 교육행정의 효율성도 기대할 수 없었다. 따라서 미군정기인 1946년 1월의 4실 7과로의 개편은 기존의 9과로 존재하였던 조직을 개편할 필요성이 전혀 없었던 것이라고 생각된다. 또한 제1공화국기의 ‘대통령령 제308호’의 5국 17과로의 개편이나 ‘대통령령 제1000호’의 5국 16과로의 개편도 기존의 ‘대통령령 제22호’의 1실 5국 22과와 대동 소이한 것이었으며 실제 개편될 필요성이 전무한 것이었다. 교육목표를 효과적으로 달성한다는 측면이나, 사회변화와 필요의 측면에 비추어 보더라도 양 시기의 수 차례에 걸친 조직 개편은 불필요한 것이었다.
This paper reviewed how historically have changed the Central Educational Administration Organization of Korea during the period of the period of the American Military Administration and the first Republic. It is not only a historical reviewal about the Educational Administration, but also a study on the history of Educational Administration. In the respect of study on the educational administration, the history of educational administration is the most fundamental part, but we have not actively studied it. The history of educational administration is a kind of form on the educational knowledge, in particular has collected the memory of it. There are many suggestion on present educational problems in the past knowledges and memories. So the educational administrational reformers have to take serious view of the past facts and lessons, and have to know with preventive and defensive purposes. The Central Educational Administrational Organization can be called the best measurer of a nation s educational system. Because it has charge of the central function of the educational administration, the organization of the educational administration is to arrange and to use efficiently the human and material resourses in order to attain effectively the educational ends. But during the period of the Americal Military Administration and Organization was not a rational organization to reach the educational ends, but temporary organization to respond to immedicate and short-dated needs. In the period of the American Military Administration, the Central Educational Administrational Organization was to try to change the emperialistic and colonial organization into democratic organization. On the one hand, in the period of the First Republic it was employed the continental method on the structure and the system of it, but was employed the American Management method on the operational system. Consequently it was caused the gap between the system and the operation. During the two periods, that is, there were surged the formalism and the inefficiency in Korea s education administration, and also was ignored the specialization because of not so much objectional organization as functional organization.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 교육행정사 연구의 필요성
Ⅲ. 미군정기(1945년 9월 7일~1948년 8월 14일)
Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론