Physicochemical Properties of Liquid Infant Formula Stored at Different Temperatures
Physicochemical Properties of Liquid Infant Formula Stored at Different Temperatures
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제38권 제5호
- 2018.10
- 995 - 1007 (13 pages)
Changes in the physicochemical properties of ready-to-feed liquid infant formula (LIF) stored at different temperatures (10, 20, 30, and 40℃) for 6 mon, focusing on 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content, color, pH, fat globule size distribution, and rheological properties were determined. The HMF content increased with storage time, and LIF stored at 40℃ had a higher HMF content than that of LIF stored at 10℃. The lightness (L<sup>*</sup>) decreased while redness (a<sup>*</sup>) and yellowness (b<sup>*</sup>) increased with increasing HMF content. The fat globule size and pH of LIF stored at 10℃ did not change. However, in the case of LIF stored at 30℃ and 40℃, the fat globule size increased and the pH decreased during storage for 6 mon. LIF stored at 40℃ had a higher apparent viscosity (η<sup>a,10</sup>) than that of LIF stored at 10℃, and the shear-thinning behavior of LIF stored at higher temperature was stronger than that of LIF stored at low temperature. The physicochemical changes of LIF during storage were accelerated by Maillard reaction (MR) at higher storage temperatures. Therefore, even if LIF is aseptically manufactured, we recommend that sterilized LIF should be stored at low temperature in order to minimize quality changes during storage.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion