The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of creativity and character program which was developed by Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & creativity on creativity and P.E class-related attitude of elementary school students in a P.E class. To conduct this study, the program for the creativity and character was composed of twenty four classes. The subjects of the study were fifty students from two classes of C elementary school located in P city. The study was done by comparing two classes: One class had P.E classes with the program for the creativity and character and the other had normal P.E classes. After performing the P.E lessons, the creativity test and the test of the P.E class-related attitudes were conducted with the tool TTCT(Torrence Test of Creative Thinking). The result of this study were as follows. First, the experimental group recorded a higher average than its counterpart on students`` creativity and P.E class-related attitudes Second, the creativity and character program embedded classes had positive effect particularly on the development of fluency among the components of elementary students’ creativity. Third, the creativity and character program embedded classes had positive effect on the elementary students’ improvement of psychological factors which is related character among the components of the P.E class-related attitude. According to the above mentioned results, it needs to be utilized widely in the education sites, and the teachers should keep paying attention in order for the students to improve their positive attitudes and interests and character in the P.E class through this.