최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

영어 발음의 ELF(English as a Lingua Franca) 패러다임에 대한 비판적 분석

A Critical Review on ELF (English as a Lingua Franca) Paradigm in English Pronunciation

  • 72

As English has established its position as the global lingua franca, World Englishes (Kachru, 1985) and English as a lingua franca (ELF) paradigms have emerged. They focused on the use of English as a language of communication between speakers for whom it is an additional language. This paper examines the validity of the ELF paradigm in English pronunciation, issues of norms and reference models for English education within the framework of the ELF, and the suggestion of future direction for English education under the paradigm. Though the ELF paradigm is legitimate and unavoidable in the current global communication in English, it does not bring a lighter workload for teachers and learners of English because the ELF has a dynamic nature of English variations. In order to achieve the mutual intelligibility between speakers of different language background, they need to be equipped with both ENL (English as a native language) and ELF competence. This paper suggests that novice learners of English should be exposed to the ELF reference model receptively, while pursuing the native norm productively. On the other hand, proficient leaners should improve the mutual intelligibility in the ELF communication through integrated receptive and perceptive communicative activities.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. LFC의 타당성

Ⅲ. 영어 교육을 위한 영어의 규범(norm)과 기준 모델(reference model)

Ⅳ. LFC의 영어 교육 적용

Ⅴ. 결론
