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초등학교 4학년 영어 읽기 교육에서 e-교과서의 활용 연구

A Study on the usage of e-textbook for English Reading Education in 4th Grade Elementary School

  • 19

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects on the reading abilities and the affective domain of 4th grade elementary school students in English reading education by using the e-textbook. The model of reading instruction by using the e-textbook and teaching materials were systematically designed. 186 4th grade students from Jeju N elementary school were taught with the e-textbook in order to investigate their change in the reading abilities and the affective domain. It has been designed to improve reading skills by using multi-media materials from the e-textbook, teaching materials(vocabulary, expressions) and worksheets. According to the results from experimental teaching, positive effects both on reading ability and affective domain were present. The average of mid and post-tests of 186 students` had improved compared to the pre-test. Teaching effectiveness improved after 8 weeks in the group. The results among reading tests were statistically meaningful. According to the results of affective domains, it showed the positive effects on the interest and confidence of the entire students and there were statistical meaningful differences between the results. Using various teaching materials, functions of the e-textbook and increase exposure to written language affect the results of reading ability and affective domain. However the model of teaching reading could be reorganized according to the abilities of the students, teaching-learning environment and materials. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly redevelop the model of teaching reading by applying and investigating the real English education.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 연구 내용

Ⅴ.연구 결과 분석

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언
