최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

교사양성 및 선발제도의 교직 적합성 고찰

A Study of Teacher Training Program and Selecting System on their Fitness to the School Jobs in Korea

  • 20

The objective of this paper is to make it clear how the teacher training program and selecting system in Korea work in an inappropriate way to the understanding of teacher`s roles in schools. The courses on ``education`` in the form of the 000-cal foundation of education or the educational 000 is consisted of many heterogeneous academic disciplines.philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc. Taking the non-education as the same with education, it misleads the teacher applicants to a conceptual confusion about education. Probably, it gives a serious effect on them to be handicapped in playing an educational role of teachers. The teacher selection procedure composed of 2-step tests operates to give a reinforcement to those misconceptions further: 1) an essay writing examination is a good way to assess how much one knows. But, it must be in short of checking on how well one can do. Moreover, writing an essay about non-educational topics would be unidentical with that of education, a distortion of it, rather. 2) an instructive demonstration for a make-up for the shortcomings of essay writing just illustrates that one can make an interaction with one`s students within a class. But, teacher`s jobs go beyond instructions so far that the teaching demonstration and even in-depth interview with the applicants would have a limit to catch up their fitness to multiple tasks of teachers in schools.

Ⅰ. 교원자격 기준의 타당성에 대한 의문

Ⅱ. 교직과목체제의 교직 적합성 분석

Ⅲ. 교원임용고사의 교직 적합성 검토

Ⅳ. 교사양성대학 교수의 자격과 선발 기준에 관한 문제

Ⅴ. 스승다운 교사의 자격조건
