간호대학생의 사고양식과 임상실습 스트레스
Thinking Styles and Stress of Clinical Practice among Nursing Students
- 조선대학교 의학연구원
- The Medical Journal of Chosun University
- 제39권 제2호
- 2014.06
- 65 - 75 (11 pages)
This study was conducted in order to determine the relationship between thinking styles and stress of clinical practice among nursing students. Data were collected from 151 nursing students through self-report questionnaires, and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe’s Test, and Pearson s correlation using SPSS18.0. The thinking styles were relatively high in ‘hierarchic’ style and ‘clinical practice environment’ was the highest in stress of clinical practice. Relationship between thinking styles and stress of clinical practice showed correlation in the sub-scales. ‘External’ style differed significantly according to ‘undesirable role model’, ‘interpersonal conflict’, and ‘conflict with patient’. ‘Internal’ style was negative significantly different according to ‘interpersonal conflict’. In conclusion, development of nursing intervention for stress of clinical practice which considers thinking styles is needed.
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