태권도 선수에서 발생한 양측 아킬레스건의 파열
Both Achilles Tendon Rupture in Taekwondo Player
- 조선대학교 의학연구원
- The Medical Journal of Chosun University
- 제41권 제1호
- 2016.03
- 25 - 29 (5 pages)
23-year old male tae-kwon-do athlete visited with both Achilles tendon rupture after landing both lower limbs at the same time performing kick motion on the same day. Rt. achilles tendon was treated with open tenorrhapy by modified Bunnel method, and Lt. achilles tendon was treated with minimal invasive suture with Achillon. In young tae-kwon-do athlete both Achilles tendon rupture is very rare without any causing factors. From this case, we need to consider the possibilities of both Achilles tendon rupture in young patients during exercise and precaution is needed especially in landing movement.