최근 검색어 전체 삭제

교과교육과정 문화영역 연계성 강화 방안

Strengthening the Connectivity among Subject Matter Curriculum and Culture

  • 5

The ability to adapt to future culture can also be seen as a universal skill that needs to be cultivated to experience music culture. In order to help students cultivate this skill, there is a dire need to provide an educational environment that focuses on culture education. The curriculum should be restructured so that students can grow as cultured individuals in the future through school education. With the objective of educating the students to adapt to future culture in mind, we first need to study the common connectivity between culture and curriculums such as language (Korean, literature), social sciences, and music. The purpose of this paper hopes to contribute to the cultivation of cultured individuals who can adapt to the changes in society and culture with flexibility. This paper shows the standards of achievement for different subjects at different levels that are common with subject matter curriculum to show connectivity among the three of those. There is a need for connectivity between different sectors of cultural education content to be realized through integration of related education curriculum. For elementary level education, one instructor can carry out the integrated curriculum focused on cultural education from Korean language, social sciences, and music. Cultural education will guide the students to gain indirect experiences through literature, explore music in everyday life, learn to express themselves through various activities, and accumulate aesthetic values internally.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 교과교육과정의 문화영역

Ⅲ. 논의

