최근 검색어 전체 삭제

자유학기제 시행에 따른 음악과 사회정서학습(SEL) 프로그램 개발

Development of Music and Social and Emotional Learning Programs According to Implementation of Free learning Semester

  • 176

The purpose of this study is to present a music program for social and emotional learning (SEL) in order to systematically apply SEL centered on music activities before the sweeping implementation of free learning semester. To this end, first, this study examined measures to approach music activities in secondary schools centered on theoretical examination on the meaning of free learning semester and SEL. Second, competence of SEL and application and design mechanism of music teaching-learning were applied and then SEL music program plans were presented which may be implemented for free learning semester. Third, SEL programs were created in the form of talk concerts for the purport of free learning semester, and social emotional competency was trained centered on music activities. Lastly, for expression, appreciation and making a way of life music disciplines in secondary schools, singing, instrumental music, and music making were presented so that in a systematic class, music activities and SEL could be made organically.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 자유학기제를 위한 SEL 음악 프로그램

Ⅲ. 결론

