그룹피아노교육의 역사적 배경과 그 현황
The Historical Background and Status of Group Piano Instruction
- 한국음악교육학회
- 한국음악교육학회 학술대회지
- 2016년 국제학술대회
- 2016.08
- 289 - 296 (8 pages)
This study is aimed for the music teachers understanding of group piano instruction and its application not only to the field of piano performance but to various types of classes. For this purpose, we observed the differences of various teaching styles of piano instruction, its contents and teaching methods through the historical background of group piano instruction and then introduced Robert pace s group piano method based on comprehensive musicianship. Lastly, studying the status of piano instruction in our country, it was observed that the classes for secondary piano majors in universities and after-school programs in element schools were all managed in private lessons and that there was discordance between piano teaching styles and their methods. In the future, piano instructors are required for a right understanding of various teaching styles and their values as well as for the development of teaching materials and the training of instructors.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 피아노 교육의 지도유형
Ⅲ. 그룹피아노교육의 역사적 배경
Ⅳ. 로버트 페이스의 그룹피아노교수법
Ⅴ. 국내 피아노 교육의 운영 현황
Ⅵ. 맺음말