몸의 미학, 그리고 음악적 이상의 만남
Musical Ideals in Embodied Aesthetics: The Rediscovery of Musical Capacity in the Performing Body in Music performance education
- 한국음악교육학회
- 한국음악교육학회 학술대회지
- 2016년 국제학술대회
- 2016.08
- 297 - 301 (5 pages)
Musician ultimately aims at transparently transiting one’s musical imagination into tangible sound of music. The repetitive practice of the musicians yields the instrument-specific and skilled movement, resulting in the automatic and habitual movement. As a consequence, the skilled performers tend to shift attention to cultivating abstract musicality as if they do not need to think further about their movements. Furthermore, the way they approach their performance as musicians translates into the way they teach as teachers. However, musical imagination is lived only through the performing body. The habitual skilled movement may hinder the possible musical capacity. Conversely, increased experiential awareness of the performing body enables the musicians to rediscover the new capacity of sounds of the instrument. This rediscovered sound ultimately then enlarges capacity of musical expression (i.e. The newly discovered performing body > Optimal/maximized the relationship between the musician and instrument > Expanded capacity of sounds from the instrument > Recovered freedom of musical expression > Transformation and growth in musical capacity and capability). Although there is growing research that turn attention to the notion of body awareness for musicians in general (Paparo, 2015; Woodward, 2009; Chen, 2006), few empirical studies have elaborated how the rediscovered role of the body with the instrument directly influences transformation and growth of the musical imagination through the performing body. To bridge this gap, I interviewed one musician and educator with 46 years of teaching experience who has been committed to discovering knowledge in the role of the body in both his musical/teaching practice. The purpose of the study was to examine in depth the role of the body as a transformative subject in rediscovering one’s musical capacity and capability, and further oneself as complete human being.
Ⅰ. 몸과 연주 역량의 상관관계
Ⅱ. 몸의 다각적 이해
Ⅲ. 몸의 심미적 경험과 음악적 이상- 지속 가능한 배움과 성장에 대하여