소통과 배려를 위한 전통음악 수업 사례 연구
Case Study on Traditional Music Class for Communication and Consideration
- 한국음악교육학회
- 한국음악교육학회 학술대회지
- 2016년 국제학술대회
- 2016.08
- 351 - 359 (9 pages)
The present study was conducted as a backward design and a project of art propel activity which are effective for traditional music class for communication and consideration. The purpose of the study is to let students know the meaning of communication and consideration and have experiences of volunteering, harmonization, empathy, trust, respect and listening and enable them to express excitement and taste that traditional music has. As a result, it was determined that students came to know importance of the meaning of relation in traditional music class for communication and consideration and could carry out their creative role in the class. Furthermore, it is suggested various liberal arts classes similar to this should be established and it is expected this study will be utilized as various programs and thus liberal arts class will be more effectively given.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
Ⅲ. 결론