Heritability and Familiality of MMPI Personality Dimensions in the Korean Families with Schizophrenia
Heritability and Familiality of MMPI Personality Dimensions in the Korean Families with Schizophrenia
- 대한신경정신의학회
- Psychiatry Investigation
- 제15권 제12호
- 2018.12
- 1121 - 1129 (9 pages)
Objective Categorical syndrome such as schizophrenia could be the complex of many continuous mental structure phenotypes including several personality development/degeneration dimensions. This is the study to search heritability and familiality of MMPI personality dimensions in the Korean schizophrenic LD (Linkage Disequilibrium) families. Methods We have recruited 204 probands (with schizophrenia) with their parents and siblings whenever possible. We have used MMPI questionnaires for measuring personality and symptomatic dimensions. Heritabilities of personality dimensions in total 543 family members were estimated using Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines (SOLAR). Personality dimensions in total family members were compared with those in 307 healthy unrelated controls for measuring the familialities using ANOVA analysis. Results Seven of the 10 MMPI variables were significantly heritable and were included in the subsequent analyses. The three groups (control, unaffected 1st degree relative, case) were found to be significantly different with the expected order of average group scores for all heritable dimensions. Conclusion Our results show that the aberrations in several personality dimensions could form the complexity of schizophrenic syndrome as a result of genetic-environment coactions or interactions in spite of some limitations (recruited family, phenotyping).