최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Art Therapy for PTSD in Traumatized Patients after Disasters

  • 59

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of art therapy as a psychosocial intervention for traumatized patients exposed to disasters. Psychological symptoms related to trauma can be caused by an overwhelmingly negative event such as a disaster. Patients who have been abused or traumatized might be encouraged to use art therapy as a mental health intervention. Art therapy combines the creative process and psychotherapy, facilitating growth through self-exploration and understanding. Specifically, art therapy provides activities for expressing emotions and thoughts to facilitate recovery from post-traumatic stress symptoms. Art therapy provides an opportunity for a patient to visually express their experience of emotions, thoughts, and traumatic memories. Although art therapy offers benefits, the effectiveness of art therapy on trauma intervention has not yet been established. This study suggests evidence of the effect of art therapy for trauma and the need for more reliable research on art therapy in the Republic of Korea. Future studies should delimit in greater detail the possibilities of art therapy after disasters in clinical practice.

1. Introduction

2. PTSD and psychosocial intervention

3. Art therapy for PTSD after the disaster

4. Discussions
