최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

노인우울증과 여가활동 및 음주습관과의 관계

Relationships of geriatric depression on leisure activities and drinking habits among the Elderly

  • 68

The purposes of this study were to identify the relationships of geriatric depression symptoms on leisure activities and drinking habits among the elderly. A descriptive correlational study was conducted. The stratified sample were 263 elderly residing in 10 townships in J County. Data was gathered through interviews conducted from August 20~30, 2007 using Geriatric Depression Scale(Gee & Lee 1986), Leisure Activity Status Tool(Huh & Yoo 2002), and Problem Drinking Scale(AUDIT-K, KIM, 1999). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 10.0 determining frequency, percentages, Chi-square test, Trend test, t-test, and ANOVA. There are high frequencies of geriatric depression and 52.5% of those sampled suffer from depression. Those depressed ranked lower in 4 subcategories in all leisure activities than those without depression. For drinking habits 10.6% fell into the drinking group. There were significantly high statistical differences in levels of drinking according to general traits: males, lower levels of education, having a spouse, families with a husband and wife. A statistically significant low rate was scored by those with depression on the item of frequency of drinking and drinking quantity due to the number of times loss of memory occurred concerning the previous days drinking over a one year period. When compared to those without depression there are low levels in rate of drinking and other related activities as well as leisure activities. There were low negative relationships between depression and drinking. There is a need for depression management especially for elderly females, those without a spouse, and those that live alone. There is an urgency to develop activity programs for the elderly suffering from depression according to the low results on the four subcategories of leisure activities. There is a need to carry out a sorting process to determine if someone is suffering from depression prior to them participating in elderly health maintenance programs currently available at community centers in order to give positive guidance to those suffering from depression along with regular consultations and social support afterwards.

Ⅰ. 서 론

II. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

IV. 논 의

V. 결 론
