최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

일 대학병원의 5년간 환자 만족도추이

Trend analysis of patient satisfaction on a university hospital services during 5 years

  • 19

This study is a ecological and descriptive investigation to analyze trends and understand features of patient satisfaction on a university hospital service during 5 years. The study was performed against sample patients selected in C university hospital in Jan. and Aug. from 2003 to 2006, and Jan. 2007. Outpatients were extracted by departments at haphazard in Jan and Jul. in every year and inpatients were assigned and extracted at haphazard among patients who were hospitalized over 3 days by wards. Total number of the patients was 4,943. Data were analyzed with simple regression and Spearman s correlation by using SPSS 14.0 for Windows. For the satisfaction of inpatients on hospital facility and environment, all items showed positive correlation. For the satisfaction of inpatient on the service of nurses, it was found that it was highly valued (over 4.0) and its all items had positive correlation. It was found that increase rate of satisfaction on the nurse s service on the patient instruction and its procedure was the highest. The satisfaction of inpatients on hospital staffs comprising 9 job groups displayed positive correlation with year in all variables. For the satisfaction of outpatients on hospital facility and environment, all items excluding use of parking place showed positive correlation. It was found that the satisfaction of outpatients on hospital staffs showed positive correlation with year in all variables. The satisfaction of inpatients on the service of doctors of 6 departments showed positive correlation in all variables. It was found that the satisfaction of inpatients was higher than that of outpatients and that in both inpatients and outpatients, all the variables showed positive correlation as results of correlation analysis on general satisfaction, doctor service, nurse service, kindness of staffs, and hospital environment. Based on these results, the strategies to reduce discomfort of common use toilet and parking place, unkindness of unspecialized staffs, and difficulties in meeting with doctors in charge are required which influence satisfaction degree on medical service. The variables with the highest influence on patient satisfaction includes sufficient explanation of treatment contents, round visit time, kindness of doctors, operation of the graded list of medical treatment, waiting room in front of doctor s office, cleaness/ temperature/comfort of sickroom, financial service facility, and use of concession stand, which should be given interest by the hospital. The satisfaction of unspecialized staff s service and kindness training are urgent and introduction of explanation nurse or practitioner system is suggested because of low satisfaction on understand of treatment explanation. It is also suggested that these satisfaction study results are to be reflected and used in service improvement or management. The study on hospital satisfaction in future is required to change its direction toward a study on service satisfaction including qualities and cost-effects.

1. 연구의 필요성

2. 연구 방법

3. 연구결과

4. 논의

5. 결론 및 제언
