최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

건강검진 결과 고혈압 또는 당뇨병 질환발견자의 조기치료 현황과 관련요인

Status and Related Factors of Early Medical Treatment of Patients with Hypertension or Diabetes Mellitus detected from Health Screening

  • 106

Purpose: This study attempted to seek the current status and related factors of early treatment of patients for whom hypertension or diabetes was detected through health screening in 2013. \Methods: This study made use of the Data Base on the qualifications, health screening, and the payment of the medical bills. Results: The average rate of early treatment was 39.0%. Related factors were confirmed with gender, age, type of the health insurance, insurance contribution quantile and family history for stroke, cardiac disease, hypertension and diabetes as well as smoking, level of obesity, abdominal obesity, level of the severity of blood pressure, fasting blood sugar level, and suspicions of dyslipidemia, other thoracic diseases, hepatic diseases, renal diseases, anemia, etc. Conclusion: Accordingly, it is deemed that the method of elevating the early treatment rate is necessary through continuous encouragement for treatment, and customized consultation, promotion and education of the social classes. Follow-up management that utilizes the results of a health screening is required in order to provide individualized and customized health services.

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