최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

항정신병약물 임상의 역사와 미래

History and Future of Antipsychotic Drugs

  • 189

After the discovery of antipsychotic drugs, the nature of clinical practice entered a period of inexorable transition. The advances of psychopharmacotherapy have interacted in complex ways with clinical practice, and the economics and policy of mental health care systems. The study of the mechanisms of action of these drugs has guided the development of hopefully improved treatment, and stimulated biological research on the pathophysiology of severe mental disorders. Despite the considerable effort to modify and change existing antipsychotic drugs, progress has been modest. This review describes the history of antipsychotic drugs and their impact on clinical practice and the study of psychiatric disorders, and offer prospects for future developments. Although finding new knowledge and methodologies to bring innovative discovery is imperative, as of now, it is important to provide comprehensive care, including the optimal use of existing antipsychotic drugs.

서 론

항정신병약물 발견 이전의 정신의학

항정신병약물의 발견

국내에서의 항정신병약물의 사용

‘항정신병’이라는 용어의 타당성

항정신병약물이 조현병 연구와 치료에 끼친 영향

항정신병약물의 미래

결 론
