Many electrical and electronic companies are realizing that they need to be able to identify materials containing hazardous substances. Thus, TC 111 working group 3 that developed test methods of hazardous substances was organized in the IEC. Korea has contributed to WG 3 by dispatching around 10 Korean experts since 2008. Particularly, NWIP(New Work Item Proposal) on the test method of phthalates that has been recently an issue in the international environmental regulation was proposed by Korean experts of WG 3 and approved officially by IEC TC 111 WG 3. As such the standardization of phthalates is now in progress and is expected to be published officially as international standard, IEC 62321-8 in 2015. Another successful example where Korean expert took on responsibility as a project leader is standardization of IEC 62321-3-2 by developing screening method for total bromine. In this paper, detailed processes of standardization of IEC62321-3-2 and IEC62321-8 under Korea s leadership will be reported with resulting positive effects of Korea national committee s aggressive participation in international standardization.
1. 서론
2. 본론
3. 결론