The Phthalates plasticizers (DBP, BBP and DEHP) are categorized and regluated as SVHC under EU REACH Regulation. Also European Commision was reviewing DEHP and BBP as restricted substances according to clause 6 of RoHS Directive. Responding to these international environmental restrictions, we developed PP certified reference material for determination of phthalate plasticizers such as DMP, DEP, DBP, BBP, DEHP and DnOP. The CRM is manufactured in powder forms by using PP substrate and 6 types of plasticizers in twin screw extruder and had confirmed it s homogeneity, short-term stability, and long-term stability using isotope dilution-gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (ID-GC/MS) analysis. The certified values were determined by using primary reference material (PRM) of KRISS for traceability. From now on, we will provide PP CRM to national and international companies and research institutes after certification as certified reference material and registering on COMAR (code of reference material).