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KCI등재 학술저널

국제 표준에 따른 3D 프린팅 산업의 활성화

A Vitalization for 3D Printing Industry on the International Standards

  • 31

The two ISs(International Standards) 1S0/ASTM 52915 and 1S0/ASTM 52921 on the 3D printing or AM(additive manufacturing) Technology were distributed in 2013 . In order to enhance and vitalize the 3D Printing Industry in Korea, at first, we should in detail and deeply understand the 3D printing technology itself and the current Korean situations on the 3D Printing Industry. We had done them in [1] and [5]. Next step, we should investigate in detail and adapt carefully the concerning ISs which are the rule for productions to provide the suitable 3D results to end user. The goal of this paper is to introduce above two ISs within the ranges of the possibility. The actual realities on 3D Printing Industry in Korea are, in principle, the producing some small size 3D printers and the importing middle/large size 3D printers from abroad to provide 3D need-products and to educate how to use them to the end-users needs. It is sure to be a short course for us to understand in detail and adopt correctly the above ISs to achieve an advanced 3D Printing Korean Industries
