광주지역 영 • 유아의 대소변 가리기 훈련에 관한 조사연구
A Study on the Toilet Training for Infant and Toddler in Kwang-Ju City
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제2권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 1997.02
- 75 - 83 (9 pages)
In an attempt to study on the status of toilet training for infant and toddler, the author was Surveyed for the subject of the motives, standard of starting period, duration of training, tools used, methods, on the availability of 276 mothers with 2~4 years children by questionnaire in Kwang-Ju City. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The most of the respondents (97.2%) recognized the need for the toilet training and 67.5% of mothers carried out their children toilet training by herselves. 2. The respondents proposed their important motives for the training for good personal habits (51 .4%), clearliness (48.2%). 3. 65.2% of the respondents, the bladder training was begun previously and the starting period was determined by their own accord. 4. The most common period of starting the training for bladder was from 13 to 18 months (45.7%), and there was a tendency for girls to start bladder training earlier than boys. 5. on the duration of bladder training, from 7 to 12 months was the most frequent (38.4%), and there was a tendency for longer period in girls than in boys. 6. The most common period of starting the training for bowel was from 13 to 18 months (52.1 %) and there was a tendency for boys to start later than girls. 7. On the duration of bowel training, from 7 to 12 months was the most frequent (37.0%) and there was a tendency for the shorter period in boys than in girls. 8. The time for daytime of bowel training was the most common after breakfast to lunch (40.6%) and bladder training was commonly done by intervals of one hour (36.2%). 9. In the terms of using toilet training, Eung - Eung was commonly used in bowel training and “ Shi - Shi in bladder control. 10. The source of Knowledge about toilet training was most commonly obtained by their own experience.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구대상 및 방법
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
Ⅳ. 고 찰
Ⅴ. 결 론