여대생의 여성건강에 관한 지식수준 및 교 육 요 구
College Female Student’s Knowledge and Educational Need on Women’s Health
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제3권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 1998.08
- 15 - 27 (13 pages)
The Women’s Health will be provided to the female students as a general studies course in Chonnam National University from 1999. This study as a descriptive one was done to understand the college female students level of the knowledge on the women’s health and their educational need to the health. Two hundred and twenty female students were selected for the self-reporting to a questionnaire in which 3 Likert Scale on 19 subjects (knowledge need:42 items, educational need:42 items)related to Women s Health were used. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows: 1. The respondent’s average age was 20.1 years. The usual information resource of the women’s health was women’s magazine(22.2%), friend(20.7%), TV or radio (18.4%), and newspaper(12.1%). If the Women’s had the opportunity to select the Women’s Health as general studies will be opened, about 90% of the respondents would like to choose their course. 2. The respondent’s knowledge level on the Women’s Health was very low. Among the 19 subjects related to Women s Health, the high score was recorded in the items of smoking and health, diet and health, reproductive anatomy and physiology, sexual violence, alcohol and health. In contrast, low scores were shown in the subjects on the infertility, sexually transmitted disease, abortion, and disease of the reproductive system. 3. The level of the respondent’s educational need on the Women’s Health was very high. Among the 19 subjects related to Women’s Health, the high score of educational need was shown in the subjects of smoking and health, diet and health, reproductive anatomy and physiology, sexual violence, alcohol and health. However, the respondents showed the lower score of educational need in the subject of infertility, sexually transmitted disease, abortion and reproductive disease. 4. The senior female student among the respondents showed the highest score. Especially the recorded the high score on the alcohol and health, environment and health, sexual psychology, reproductive anatomy and physiology, women and aging, and management of adult disease. In contrast, the junior female students showed the highest score in the educational need level for the women s health. In particular, they had the high score in the sexual violence, self examination and self management health, pregnancy, delivery, management of adult disease, disease of reproductive system, abortion, sexually transmitted disease, and infertility. In conclusion, most of the college women have received so far neither any regular class in the university after the graduation of high school, nor the necessary knowledge which keeps the health management of herself. Even though the respondents had the high educational need on the women’s health, their knowledge level was quite low. Consequently it needed in the university education to provide the female students with the necessary information on women’s health related on the self care and health management through their lives.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 문헌고찰
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 고찰
Ⅴ. 결 론