최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

가족간호실무에서 가족치료 적용을 위한 고찰 -전략적 가족치료(Strategic Family Therapy)와 해결중심 (Solution - Focused) 단기가족치료의 비교-

Review for an Application of Family therapy in Family Nursing Practice -Comparison on Strategic Family Therapy and Solution - Focused Family Therapy-

  • 436

This study discusses on comparing between Strategic Family Therapy and Solution - Focused Family Therapy for applying family therapy to family nursing to nursing practice. Family nursing focuses on the strength of individual family members and the family group to promote their mutual support and growth where possible. Family nursing is considerate of the relationships between or among family members. Family therapy is any psychotherapeutic endeavor which explicitly focuses on altering the interactions between or among family members, seeks to improve the functioning of the family as a unit. the functioning of its subsystem. and the functioning of individual members of the family. Therefor family nursing is related to family therapy. Among various family therapy approaches. Strategic Family Therapy and Solution - Focused Family Therapy are method-oriented and brief in duration. Brief therapy has to more with clarity about what needs to be changed rather than time. Both of them obtained the ideas from Milton Erikson. Erikson’s goal in treatment was change. He believed in utilizing the resources of his clients and designing a “ strategy for each specific problems . Nevertheless. they are distinct. The differences between these approaches are as followers.: (1) Strategic family therapists are innovative and they emphasized power techniques and the expertness of the therapists. In general. they use six techniques reframing. paradox. ordeals pretend. and positioning. (2) Solution - Focused family therapists assist families in defining their situations clearly. precisely. and with possibilities. The therapist’s job is to produce change by helping them. by challenging their world view. by asking them appropriate questions. and by giving them “ skeleton keys . that is. universal tasks that have the power to help families find ways to unlock their potential.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 본 론

Ⅲ. 결 론
