유방자가검진 재교육 시작시기에 따른 유방자가검진에 대한 지식, 기술 및 태도 비교 - 일 도시 N지역 중년여성을 대상으로-
Comparison of BSE Knowledge, Proficiency and Attitude According to the Interval between BSE Education and First Retraining
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제4권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 1999.08
- 29 - 52 (24 pages)
This study was coducted to compare the degree of progress on breast self examination( =BSE) knowledge, proficiency and attitude between G-Ⅰ and G- II , which started retraining at the first month(G-Ⅰ) and second month(G- II) later form group health education on BSE at a district office in K city. Subjects were the participants who joined health education program for BSE. Among the 140 participants who joined in group health education for BSE, 20 women were selected as volunteer to join BSE follow-up program and assigned randomly by 10 women in each group. Retrainings given were as follows; first, two group session at every other week for one month, after that individual education through phone & mail conducted for next 5 months. Data were collected at both befor the 1 st retraining(pretest) and after the last(7th) retraining(posttest). Questionnaires for BSE knowledge and attititude, Check-list for BSE proficiency were used. The questionnaire was composed of 29 items on BSE knowlege, 8 items on attitude, 17 items on proficiency, and 45 items for all together. The validity of reseach instruments were tested by content validity for the questionnaire on BSE knowledge and proficiency and Cronbach’s alpha(0.70). for that of attitude. Data were analyzed by frequency, X2-test, Cochran Mantem Haenszel test, Wilcoxom signed rank-sum test and Pearson’s correrelation coefficient by SAS program. The result were as follows; 1. The score on BSE knowkedge in G-I was significantly higher than that of G- II at pretest(Z=3.35, p=0.0008) and posttest(Z=2.58, p=0.0l). In the knowledge of breast cancer signs and symptoms, the scores of G- I was significantly higher than that of G- II at pretest(Z=1.96, p=0.04) and posttest (Z=1.96 , p=0.05). In the knowledge of BSE procedure, the score of Inspection, in G- I was significantly higher than that of G-II at only pretest(Z=2.26, p=0.02). In the knowledge of BSE procedure, the scores of palpation in G- I was significantly higher than that in G- II at only posttest(Z=1.96, p=0.05) 2. In the frequency of BSE practice, no significant differences were shown between groups at pretest(Z=0.74, p=0.46) and posttest(Z=1.06, p=0.29). The frequency of each items of BSE attitute was tend to be higher in G- I than G- II. In the item of ’BSE is effective for early detection ensures cure of breast cancer (Z=5.0, p=0.03), the frequency of G- I was significantly higher than that of G- II at only pretest and there was no significant differences between groups in posttest. 3. In the proficiency of BSE, G- I showed higher score on BSE skill, but there was no significant differences(Z=1.36, p=0.17;. Z=1.86, p=0.06). The proficiency of inspection and palpation skill at standing position of BSE showed significant differences between groups. However the proficiency of palpation at Iying position was significantly higher in G- I than G- II (Z=2.36, p=0.01). 4. The number of lumps detected in breast model in G- I was more than that of G- II at pre and posttest, but there was no significant differences between groups(Z=1.71 , p=0.08; Z=1.00, p=0.32) 5. The correlation on BSE knowledge, attitude, proficiency was ordered in knowledge and proficiency(r=0.51 , p=0.05) , No. of lump detected in breast model(r=0.31, p=0.25), and attitude and proficiency(r=0.21 , p=0.44).
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 문헌 고찰
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 결 과
Ⅴ. 논의
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언