농촌과 도시 초등학생의 개인위생에 대한 지식과 실천의 비교
A Comparison of the Knowledge and Practice to the Personal Hygiene between Rural and Urban Elementary Students
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제5권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2000.08
- 67 - 85 (19 pages)
This study was done to compare the knowledge and practice to the personal hygiene between rural and urban elementary students. Among 300 pupils of four elementary schools were 149 rural students and 151 urban students in grades 4. 5 and 6. One urban elementary schools were selected from cities close to Kwang-ju and three rural elementary schools from near choung-up in Korea. Data were collected by using the personal hygiene scale from September 13th to 21 th. 1999. Data were analyzed by ratio. t-test, x2-test and GLM using SAS/ PC. The results were as follows; 1. The rate of right answer on the personal hygiene of the subjects with the following items were : tooth brushing daily. 25%; time of tooth brushing daily, 22%; the period of changing tooth brush, 41.7%; hand washing before meal, 94.7%; hand and foot washing after going out, 94.0%; hand washing after defication, 96%; face and foot washing before sleeping, 90.3%; hair washing, 66.0%; bath in summer, 79.3%; perineal portion washing, 82%; changing under-wear, 46.3%; hair cutting, 46%; nail cutting, 37.7%; intake anthelmintic, 40%. 2. The rate of practice on the personal hygiene of the subjects with the following items were : tooth brushing twice(51.3%); time of tooth brushing daily after breakfast(70.3%); the period of changing teeth brush, once per 3 month(31.7%); hand washing before meal always(56.3%); hand and foot washing after going out always(57.3%); hand washing after defication always(76%); face and foot washing before sleeping always(S6.0%); hair washing, once per 2-3 days(52.0%); bath in summer daily(68.0%); perineal portion washing daily(67.7%); changing under-wear daily(35.3%), hair cutting, once per 60 days(37.7%); nail cutting, once per 10 days(74.0%); intake anthelmintic, twice per year(23.7%); the boiled water drinking always(63.7%), combing hair daily(60.7%), the 30cm distance of reading the book (59%); watching TV of 1 ~2 hour(40%). 3. The knowledge score of the personal hygiene in the rural pupils was 63.7 point and in the urban pupils was 64.3 point. There were no significant differences in the knowledge score of the personal hygiene between rural and urban pupils 4. The higher practice score on the personal hygiene was, the higher knowledge score was in the rural pupils. In the urban pupils, there were no significant differences between the knowledge score and the practice degree on the personal hygiene. 5. There was knowledge score on the personal hygiene of male pupils(62.0 point) in the urban was significantly higher than in the rural(t=-2.9437, p<0.001), and female pupils(67.2 point) in the rural was significantly higher knowledge score than in the urban(t=-2.850, p<0.001). 6. The knowledge score on the personal hygiene in the rural pupils with disease was 61.6 point and without disease was 64.1 point. There were no significant differences in the knowledge score on the personal hygiene between in the rural pupils with disease and without disease.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 문헌 고찰
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언