최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

광주시내 일부 중학생 학부모의 자녀 성교육 요구도 조사

Needs of Sex Education in Parents with their Children Attending Junior High School in Kwangju City

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The purpose of this study was to explore on needs of sex education in parents with their children attending in 1 st grade junior high school. Research design was the survey. Junior high school were selected 2 schools during demonstrating project of sex education by Health Center of Gwangsan-Gu, Kwangju metropolitan city in Korea. The convenience sample of 169 parents, aged 30-50 years were 46 fathers(27.2%) and 123 mothers(72.8%). Data were collected using a self-reported questionnaire developed by researchers from Oct. 25th to Oct. 29th, 1999. Data were analyzed descriptive statistics by SPSS/win 7.0 PC+. The results were as follows; 1. Parents demographic characteristics were high school graduates (65.1 %) and below average income level (66.9%). 2. The concern of parent on children s sex education was ‘average (52.7%)’ and in the level of concern were high (33.1%), very high (10.7%) and low (3.6%) in that order. Mothers usually rnore concerned in sex education than fathers. It also showed that the parents felt the necessity of special lectures on children s sex education. In terrns of the necessity of special lectures to children on sex education of the subjects were ‘some necessary (57.4%)’ and ‘absolutely necessary (39.1 %)’. In regards of the importance of sex and contraception knowledge, ‘important(49.7%)’ was the highest and ‘very important(26.6%)’, ‘so and so’, and ‘not so much (7.7%)’ were in that order. 3. On the questionnaire whether you have experience of consulting your children concerning some problems, the answers of ‘no’ were 52.7% and those of ‘yes’ are 47.3%. The survey showed that fathers and mothers had similar experience of consulting on sex for their children. 4. The students’ problems that perception of parents were the problem of school records (52.7%) , no problem (24.6%), health problem (22.2%), friendship (13.8%), date problem with boy-girl friends (11.4%), home? based problems (9.6%) were in that order. 5. Most parents (72.8%) wanted that the route of children s sex knowledge and information was the school and the source were educational materials (4 1.8%), books (24.3%), TV(20.1 %), newspapers 0.1 %) and computers(6.5%) in that order. 6. The parents wanted what contents of sex education for their children from schools were date with boy-girl friends (72.2%), prevention of sex violence (55.0%), sex culture and the concept of sex (54.4%), pregnancy, delivery and miscarriage (40.2%), the structure and function of male and female organ (38.5%), sexually transmitted disease and AIDS (28.4%), contraception methods (27.4%) and sexual desire (23.7%) in that order.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 문헌고찰

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 논의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
