혈액종양 환자의 자가간호지식, 가족지지, 자가간호행위와의 관계
The Relationships among Self Care Knowledge, Family Support and Self Care Behavior in Hemato-Oncologic Patients
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제8권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2003.08
- 49 - 67 (19 pages)
This study was a correlational study to determine the relationship among self care knowledge, family support and self care behavior in Hemato-Oncologic patients The subjects of this study were obtained 123 patients by using a convenience sampling of Hemato-Oncologic department who were at the medical outpatients and inpatients clinic of C University Hospital between April 20 and May 31 , 2001 , by means of questionnaires. The instruments used for this study were the modified self care knowledge scale developed by Lee Hye Young(2000), the family support scale developed by Kang Hyun Sook(1984) and the modified self care behavior scale developed by Oh Pok Ja(1997). The data were analyzed by the SAS computer program that included descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson s Correlation Coefficient, Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this study were summarized as follows 1. The total score of self care knowledge was 17.20. The total score was 49.38 in family support and was 74.86 in self care behavior. 2. The relationship between general characteristics and self care knowledge was significantly different in bone marrow transfusion (t=3.75, p= .050). 3. The general characteristics of patients as discussed above did not show significant difference with the family support. 4. The relationship between general characteristics and self care behavior was significantly different in spouse(t =2.75, p= .007), family caregiver(F=3.58, p = .016), diagnosis(F = 5.89, p = .0001). 5. A significant correlation was found between the self care knowledge and the self care behavior(r=.349, p < .0001). A significant correlation was found between the family support and the self care behavior(r = .501 , p < .0001). 6. The main factor influencing on quality of life was 25.08% in case of family support and 33.08% in case of addition to self care knowledge and spouse In conclusion, family support was the main predictor to self care behavior in Hemato-Oncologic patients. These findings suggest a need for nursing strategies which promote family support in such patients.
Ⅰ.서 론
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