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KCI등재 학술저널

Fawcett의 C-T-E 구조에 의한 일 간호연구논문의 분석과 평가

An Analyzing Study on a Nursing Research Paper by Fawcett s C - T - E Structure

  • 181

The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate a nursing research pqper by Fawcett s Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical structure and the criteria for theory development (1999) in order to reduce mistakes of planning the researches and developing theories, and enhance the quality of nursing researches. For these, we selected Seo s paper (2003), and got permission from the author before setting about this study. The Results were summarized as follows: 1, Analyzing the paper by Fawcett s C-T -E structure The first step: The concepts of Seo’ s paper (2003) were induced from the Transtheoretical Model by Prochaska and Di Clemente (1983), the concepts of which were cognitional factors (self efficacy, decisional balance) , stages of change, stage based process of change (stage based program using process of change, experimental change, behavioral change) , The second step: The concepts of middle-range theory in the Seo s paper (2003) were the decisional balance and exercise specific self-efficacy, planning stages and behavior stages, stage based exercise program, physical functions, psychological states in stroke survivors. The third step: Seo (2003) used 14 Hypothesis deducted from Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1983), and accepted 6 of them in middle一range theory. The forth step: We classified propositions into abstract proposition, somewhat concrete proposition, more concrete proposition, and most concrete proposition according to the level of abstractness The fifth step: Seo (2003) showed the diagrams of C•T -E structure in the paper, and we presented the diagram (fig. 1) by Fawcett’es C - T -E structure (1999) 2. Theoretical evaluation by Fawcett s Criteria First, the summary of conceptual framework was clear and simple in the specification adequacy, so it got 3 point on Conceptual Model Usage Rating Scale in the linkage adequacy. Second, the importance, internal consistency, parsimony, and verification of the theory were all fulfilled. Third, the instruments for exercise specific self efficacy and stages of change were somewhat inadequate, and that experimental adequacy was lack because of partially supported hypothesis. Fourth, Seo‘os paper (2003) satisfied the criteria of the appropriateness in the practice. Finally, the reliability of the conceptual framework was partially satisfied in the verification of the Transtheoretical Model by Prochaska and DiClernente (1983). So, we suggest as follows 1. The logical relationship of the concepts in the C-T -E structure should be realized as a diagrarn from the research beginning in order to avoid the logical defect of the research. 2. Further studies on analysis and evaluation of nursing research papers by C-T-E structure are needed not only about the testing theories but also about the generating thories.

Ⅰ.서 론

Ⅱ. 본론

Ⅲ. C-T-E 구조에 의한 논문분석

Ⅳ. Fawcett에 의한 이론평가

Ⅴ. 결 론

Ⅵ. 제 언 13
