최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

보건실 이용 초등학교 5,6학년 아동의 스트레스와 학교생활 적응의 관계

The Relationship of Stress to School Adjustment among Elementary School Clinic Users in the Fifth and Sixth year

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The purpose of this study was to examine how the personal, family-related, schoolrelated and social stress of children who used school clinic was tied into their school adjustment in a bid to let their parents and teachers have a better understanding of them and facilitate their school adjustment. The subjects in this study were 357 students who were randomly selected from five different elementary schools in A region, a small city in C province. They included 145 fifth graders and 212 sixth graders. The data were gathered in May 2004, and Chon Min-pil (1993) s Stress Scale and Um Jeong-sun (1993) s School Adjustment Inventory were modified by this researcher. After a survey was conducted with self-administered questionnaires, the collected data were analyzed with SPSS PC 10.0 program, and statistical statistics was employed. In addition, Hest, ANOVA and Scheffe test were used. The study results were as follows: 1. Concerning stress, they got a mean of 63.5 out of 128 points, and their collective average in school adjustment was 37.1 out of 64. 2. As for connections between demographic characteristics and stress level, their stress varied significantly with gender (t=-2.33, p=.021), health awareness (F=66.77, p=.001) and living standard (F=3.03, p=.0S0). Regarding the characteristics of using school dinic, the frequency of use made a significant difference to that (F=S.91 , p= .001). 3. As to relations between demographic characteristics and school adjustment, their school adjustment was significantly different according to school location (t= 3.18, P = .002), their own view of school grades (F=19.80, p=.001), health awareness(F=6.62, p=.002) and living standard (F=3.31 , p=.038). 4. In regard to relations between stress and school adjustment, there was a negative correlational relationship between the two (r=-.248, p=.001). The findings of the study illustrated that the school dinic users who felt more stress were less adjusted to school life. Specifically, their personal and school-related stress had a huge impact on that, and the frequency of visiting school clinic was also dosely related to that. Health educators should put more careful efforts into helping children to make a normal growth and lead a smooth school life, and successful intervention programs should be provided for them to alleviate their stress and stay away from any further stress.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 연구 결과

Ⅳ. 논 의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
