In this article, I singled out the examples of punishment and compensation seen in Liaozhaizhiyi which is an eighteenth century collection of short stories, and reconstructed the viewpoint of Chinese fortune and misfortune and furthermore presented the cultural meanings that this viewpoint has. The traits of Chinese culture seen in Liaozhaizhiyi are classified as follows: ① Only after carrying on a family line by birth of son(s), a happy conclusion can be made. ② A Main character passes state exam or alternatively his son(s) passes them. ③ Beautiful women / women given as reward have special abilities and talents. ④ Mostly, punishment and Compensation are made on a family basis, not on an individual basis. ⑤ Misfortune derives from a main character’s desire; fortune from his sacrifice. ⑥ Norm and criteria for the punishment and compensation are based on confucianism but the procedure of the execution is based on taoism, buddhism, transcendent being and rules of folk religions.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 징벌과 보상
1) 징벌의 사례
2) 보상의 사례
Ⅲ. 화복禍福의 기원
1) 화禍의 기원
2) 복福의 기원
Ⅳ. 징벌과 보상의 문화적 의미
1) 지배이데올로기의 보급과 강화
2) 피지배계층의 대리만족
3) 중국민담의 문화적 특징들
Ⅴ. 맺음말