Northeast Asian relations have been dominated by conflicts and competitons rather than cooperation. Nevertheless, since the end of the Cold War, interchanges among South Korea, China, and Japan s local governments have been increasing rapidly. Why local governments of the three Northeast Asian states have maintained constant rxchanges despite the sluggish cooperation of their central governments? What effects and limitations of exchanges between rocal governments in Northeast Asia on regional cooperation and peace? Thus, this study is to define effects and degree of contributions of exchanges between Northeast Asian local governments on regional peace. The results of research show that effects of local governments among South Korea, China, and Japan on regional peace is complicated. The study indicated that the local governments exchanges between South Korea and China as well as between South Korea and Japan had certain limitations in constructing the regional peace as an independent factor. However, the local governments exchanges have contributed in fostering an environment of cooperation and peace in Northeast Asia by playing a complementary role function.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 지방정부 교류의 협력에 대한 이론적 접근
Ⅲ. 동북아 지방정부 교류협력의 배경과 현황
Ⅳ. 동북아 지방정부 교류의 성과와 한계
Ⅴ. 결론