Park, Jin Kyu. Effect of Early-Study-Abroad or English-only Programs on Regular School English Education Around 2000, Korea have seen an exploding increase of early-study-abroad to English-speaking countries. The number had reached an a pex in the early 2000s, from 2001 to 2008. The number exceeded 10000 in 2003 and 27,349 in 2008. However, the KDI document does not include young children under 6. So The actual number estimated over 40,000 including those who went abroad with their parents, and so over 100 children went abroad every day in 2008, according to the Statistics Korea(2008). After the early-study-abroad boom in the early 2000s, those early-study-abroad children has started coming back to Korea, after their study in English-speaking countries. The number of returnees after the early-study-abroad has also reached over 10,000 in 2003 and over 20,000 in 2007. These returnees in public schools often means some trouble because of their limited Korean proficiency and cultural maladjustment from their early-study-abroad. Therefore, we planned to delve into those problems found in regular schools in terms of returnee problem from the early-study-abroad. As a pilot test for a bigger project across the country in the future, we started our project from a local high school. We made our questionaries about the experiences of early-study-abroad or English study in English-only programs. Those who participated in the research were around 240 students(all of them are freshmen), and only around 20 students answered are among had those who had experiences of early-study-abroad or English study in English-only programs. The results showed few students had the experiences of early-study-abroad or English study in English-only programs, and we concluded that different from those schools in metropolitan cities such as Seoul and Taegu, Pusan, local cities had few students who had the experiences of early-study-abroad or English study in English-only programs. only three students had experiences of early-study-abroad, and other students who had experiences of English-only education are the experiences in private education programs, which did not match our focus for this research study. In conclusion, English-divide from larger cities and local cities is evident in this study, and we concluded that government should try to find better ways to diminish the adverse effect of English divide, especially between those schools in larger cities and local cities. (Seowon University, Park, Jinkyu, Cungbuk National University High School, Lee, Kangwon, Yun Joon).
1. 서론
2. 조기유학생과 귀국학생
3. 조기유학과 귀국 후 적응
4. 학교현장에서의 조기유학생과 이중언어 교육
5. 연구의 목적 및 연구 대상
6. 연구 절차
7. 연구 결과 및 논의
8. 추후 단계 별 연구 계획
9. 결론