Flipped learning is the inverted learning method that has traditionally taken place inside the classroom now takes place outside the classroom and vice versa. Scholars proposing flipped learning commonly emphasize the essence of learning in learner’s inquiring mind. The relationship of teacher and learner is not a master-servant relationship but the relation of cooperation requiring continuous reflection. Flipped learning is one of challenges requiring a lot of preparations to teachers, learners and people concerned education. This study investigated the prerequisite for the introduction of flipped learning to establish the learning successfully. In conclusion, in order to succeed in flipped learning, first of all, outside classroom activities should be properly linked to inside classroom activities and good online lectures and a variety of classroom activities should be designed to meet their educational goal. Second, teachers should have monitoring and evaluate students’ learning to encourage students to take part in the lesson and to individualize students’ learning. Third, learners should participate in learning actively and manage their learning by themselves with the value of learning. Forth, for the high quality of online lecture, teachers should try to improve their humor and reveal their passion and give learners some learning strategies to the successful online learning. Fifth, parents should understand and support flipped learning and school and government should support learners and teachers with proper physical environment, training and experts.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 본 론
1. 플립드 러닝의 개념
2. 플립드 러닝의 특성
3. 플립드 러닝의 선행요건
Ⅲ. 결 론