최근 검색어 전체 삭제

철피석곡의 기내 Protocorm Like Bodys(PLBs) 재증식 및 신초형성에 미치는 생 장조절제 및 탄소원의 영향

Effect of plant growth regulators and carbon sources on proliferation and shoot formation of PLBs in Dendrobium candidum

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Dendrobium candidum Wallich ex Lindley is a traditional Chinese medicine plant and has been widely used for medicinal and ornamental purposes. In this study, several different factors affecting micro propagation of protocormlike bodies (PLBs) such as basal media, plant growth regulators, and carbon sources. The proliferation PLB derived from seeds was the best in H3P4 basal medium containing 0.1 mg · L-1 NAA and 0.1 mg · L-1 Kinetin. PLB growth was the best when 10 g · L-1 sucrose was added to the carbon atoms in the medium. The rate of shoot formation from the propagated PLB was the highest in 1/4 MS or H1P2 medium containing 10 g · L -1 sucrose, and the shoot length was longer than the others.

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