최근 검색어 전체 삭제

소포자 배양의 시기와 조건이 양배추의 배발생에 미치는 효과

Influence of culture duration and conditions on embryogenesis of isolated microspore culture in cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata)

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Our aim was to find the effective duration and culture conditions for microspore culture in a genetically variant cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata). We discovered that the `2×NLN medium containing AgNO3 1 mg/l, sucrose 13%` was most efficient in producing the cabbage embryos. The number of induced embryos was higher in F2 or F3 progeny generation than the F₁ hybrid cultivar used as plant materials. Thus, we recommend microspore culturing using progeny plants of failed F1 cultivar. The acquisition ratio of embryos and plants derived from microspore was higher in the early flowering period as compared to the late flowering period. When transplanted in the soil, 71.2% plants developed from the early flowering period, compared to 27.0% from the middle period and 1.8% plants from the late period. Thus, we recommend microspore culture using buds collected during the early flowering period.

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