배추 종간 잡종의 소포자배양에 의한 Double haploid 집단의 플라보노이드 함량 분석
Analysis of flavonoids in double haploid population derived from microspore culture of F1 hybrid of Brassica rapa
- (사)한국식물생명공학회
- Journal of Plant Biotechnology
- 44권 1호
- 2017.03
- 35 - 41 (7 pages)
One of the most important species, Brassica rapa encompasses a variety of commercial vegetables, such as the Chinese cabbage, pak choi and oilseed crops. The LP08 of yellow sarson (Brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have a distinct morphology, with yellow seed color and a unique tetralocular ovary. LP21 of pak choi (Brassica rapa ssp, chinensis) have a dark brown seed color and bilocular ovary. In this study, we generated double haploid plants by crossing the LP08 (maternal variety) and LP21 (paternal variety), using microspore culture. A total of 66 accessions with various morphological characteristics were used for content analysis of flavonoids. The three flavonoids, quercetin, naringenin and kaempferol, showed differing contents in the two crossing parents. The Chinese cabbage type `Chiifu` was used as the control. The highest accumulation of total flavonoids was observed in LP08. The lowest mean total flavonoids were found in `Chiifu`. Among the 66 DH accessions, the quercetin contents of 18 accessions showed higher content than LP08. Kaempferol content was also high, and was found to be 79.7% of the total flavonoid content. Naringenin content was low at 2.8%, and was not detected in 22 accessions. Interestingly, the quercetin content positively correlated with the kaempferol content. These results can be used to identify genetic locus and genes related to useful traits. Phenotypic analysis of 66 DH accessions can further be used for natural selection of good breeding materials in B. rapa.
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