최근 검색어 전체 삭제

신규 수입 승인 6개 유전자변형작물의 검출기법 개발

Development of detection methods for six approved LM crops in Korea

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Living modified crops are genetically modified living organisms and are widely used in biotechnical research and desired goods. As the reliance on LM products, concerns about safety of LMOs have been continuously increased in South Korea. We established the detection methods for unintentional released LMOs in environmental conditions. To detect six LM event genes of 1 canola, 1 maize and 4 soybeans, PCR conditions were based upon consideration of the Joint Research Centre information. Genomic DNAs were isolated from LM samples and PCR analysis were performed using each event-specific primer pair. Event-specific genes of all events were efficiently recognized by our methods. To investigate the insertion site of LM genes in each genome, we verified PCR product sequence by DNA sequencing. These results suggest that the LM event-specific gene amplification can be efficiently developed. In addition, our detection method is fit for monitoring and post-management of LM crops in the environment.

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