국내 LMO 자연환경 모니터링을 위한 11개 LM 옥수수의 동시검출기법 개발
Four multiplex PCR Sets of 11 LM Maize for LMO environmental monitoring in Korea
- (사)한국식물생명공학회
- Journal of Plant Biotechnology
- 43권 4호
- 2016.12
- 473 - 478 (6 pages)
With the increasing development and commercial use of genetically modified maize, it is essential to develop an appropriate method for detection of individual LMO (Living modified organism) events for monitoring the samples. In South Korea, commercial planting and accidental or unintentional releases of LMOs into the environment were not approved. In this study, to increase the efficiency of LMO detection, we developed simultaneous detection methods for 11 LM maize events. This multiplex PCR detection method is economical, as it saves time, cost and labor. We developed 11 individual LM maize events, and applied 4 multiplex PCR sets to the LM maize samples. These results are confirmed by applying the multiplex analysis of LMO environmental monitoring from 2012 to 2014, which represents the unintentionally released LM maize samples. The data were correlated with event specific PCR results. Our results indicate that the multiplex PCR method developed is suitable for detection of LM maize in LMO monitoring.
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