최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

교육신경과학에 관한 교육철학적 비판

Criticism of Educational Philosophy on Educational Neuroscience

  • 85

The purpose of this study is to make an appraisal of the emerging field of educational neuroscience or neuroeducation from educational philosophy’s viewpoint. Criticisms of neuroscience mainly consisted of methodologies, conceptual reductionism, appropriateness of application, effectiveness of results. In here it is deal with that connecting applications of neuroscience to education with ideology of neoliberalism. The argument is that the idea of brain plasticity enhances ‘responsibilizing the self’ of neoliberalism especially in connection to self-improvement. Under effects of combining neoliberalism with attractive image of brain plasticity on education, accepting oneself as a ‘neuronal self’ it could be covered up education inequality. It must not forget that education is a practical, contextual and interpersonal activity. It should be noted that what the social role of education is.

I. Introduction

II. Attraction of Neuroscience for Education

III. Combination of Brain Plasticity and Neoliberalism

IV. Conclusion
